How I Tricked Myself Into

How I Tricked Myself Into…

Part 1: Becoming a Morning Person

@danidonovanAdvice from someone with a LONG history of sleeping until noon ☀️⏰ ##morning ##morningroutine ##adhd ##adhdcheck ##adhdsquad ##learnontiktok ##tutorial ##fyp♬ dear katara – L.Dre



Part 2: Creating a Morning Ritual

@danidonovanAdvice from someone with a LONG history of quitting routines ☀️ ##learnontiktok ##tutorial ##howto ##morningroutine ##morning ##adhd ##adhdsquad ##adhdcheck♬ dear katara – L.Dre

Part 3: Getting Shit Done When I Don’t Feel Like It

@danidonovanAdvice from someone with a long history of motivation paralysis ???? ##learnontiktok ##tutorial ##howto ##DiceRoll ##dungeonsanddragons ##adhd ##adhdsquad ##fyp♬ dear katara – L.Dre

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