Me vs. My ADHD


@danidonovanStructure? I barely know her! ???? ##adhd ##adhdcheck ##adhdsquad ##mentalhealth ##mentalhealthmatters ##anxiety ##comedy ##skit

♬ original sound – Dani Donovan




@danidonovanMe vs. My Brain (Round 2) ???????? ##adhd ##adhdcheck ##adhdsquad ##comedy ##skit ##anxiety ##productivity ##mentalhealth

♬ original sound – Dani Donovan




@danidonovanMe vs. My ADHD ???????????? (Part 1!) ##adhd ##adhdsquad ##adhdcheck ##fyp ##mentalhealthmatters ##mentalhealth ##anxiety ##funny ##focus ##attention ##depressed

♬ original sound – Dani Donovan


Restless Energy


Story of my life ???? ##adhd ##adhdcheck ##adhdsquad ##mentalhealth ##adhdprobs ##adhdawarenessmonth ##fyp ##mentalhealthmatters ##millenial ##anxiety ##depressed

♬ Combination Taco Bell and Pizza Hut by Das Racist – Jinx



Life Inside My ADHD Brain: Part 1


My brain’s favorite way to procrastinate = “I need to ___ before I can ___” ???? ##perfectionism ##adhd ##mentalhealth ##adhdsquad ##adhdcheck ##learnontiktok

♬ Fun – AShamaluevMusic



Life Inside My ADHD Brain: Part 2 (Getting Sidetracked)


When your brain thinks every idea is equally important… ???????? ##adhd ##adhdcheck ##adhdsquad ##mentalhealth ##mentalhealthmatters ##guitar ##fyp ##oops

♬ chaotic classical song – headbang queen????❤️



Negative Self-Talk


Internalized criticism takes an emotional toll ???? ##DayInMyLife ##adhd ##adhdcheck ##mentalhealth ##adhdawareness ##31DaysOfADHD ##mentalhealthmatters ##fyp

♬ Hayd – Changes – hayd




I’m not the only one, right? ???????? ##adhd ##adhdcheck ##adhdsquad ##mentalhealth ##mentalhealthmatters ##depresion ##anxiety ##comedy

♬ Моя голова винтом – kostromin


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